Cizojazyčné - on hledá ji : Různé kategorie : 41-47 let

I'd like to improve my Czech language. In exchange I can help you in English or French. Meetings preferably in the center or Prague 2. We can talk about anything :)

From The Netherlands, recently moved to Prague, looking for a partner in crime. Only looking for girls who have a healthy, strong mind that set goals, and have fun and adventure.

Da sempre mi fascinavano due opposti apparentemente incompatibili: la castita collegata alla passione. Quindi cerco una donna rara che e finora vergine la quale vuole continuare a rimanere sessualmente pura, ma che tuttavia non sii emozionalmente gelida e la quale vorrebbe stare abbraciandosi spesso con piacere. Una non fumatrice, senza predilezione per cani.

Seit jeher faszinierten mich zwei scheinbar unvereinbare Gegensätze: die mit Leidenschaft verbundene Keuschheit. Und daher suche ich eine rare Frau, die bisher Jungfrau ist, die noch weiterhin ???uell rein bleiben möchte, aber welche trotzdem nicht emotional kühl ist und die sich gern umarmen würde. Eine Nichtraucherin, ohne Vorliebe für Hunde.

In Prague next weekend (week 38) ???? Engineer and fitness enthusiast. Passionate about life, love to travel, and always at the forefront of technology. Huge AI geek. Down-to-earth, humorous, and genuinely a nice guy. Love dogs but allergic (who cares, right? ????).