Odpovědět na inzerát Pravidla

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Myslíš, že by inzerát mohl zaujmout tvé známé? Zašli jim doporučení

Tyto inzeráty by tě mohly zajímat

Looking for someone to share stories and jokes, explore new places, and watch good movies/shows with. If you're a fan of laughter and good company, let's create some memorable moments together! FYI, I speak just a bit of Czech but I'm eager to learn more.

someone to communicate in English? writing, meeting, speaking. Ideally an English speaker who wants to learn Czech

To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.“ — T. Tolis

French in Prague, looking to share a good time :)

„To know love, be like a running brook. Which deaf, yet sings its melody for others to hear. Feel the pain of too much tenderness. Awake at dawn with a winged heart, and give thanks for yet another day of loving. Empty yourself, and yet be filled. An old man tells you, this is how to know love.“