Baby_Lasagna  33 let | Praha Zpět

A 32 year young Indian who has moved recently to Prague with tons of experiences from across India. Here to travel & learn more about the European culture, history and a new way of living. You don't know if its worth it unless you try.

Další informace o uživateli

Hledám:ženu ve věku 22 - 35 let
Mám zájem o:flirt, kamarádství, ʂȩӽ
Rok narození:1991 (33 let)
Výška:180 cm
:6.5.24 22:15
Piji alkohol:příležitostně

Fotky uživatele (1)

Inzeráty uživatele (1)

A 32 year young Indian who has moved recently to Prague with tons of experiences from across India. Here to travel & learn more about the European culture, history and a new way of living. You don't know if its worth it unless you try.