Odpovědět na inzerát Pravidla

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Myslíš, že by inzerát mohl zaujmout tvé známé? Zašli jim doporučení

Tyto inzeráty by tě mohly zajímat

„To know love, be like a running brook. Which deaf, yet sings its melody for others to hear. Feel the pain of too much tenderness. Awake at dawn with a winged heart, and give thanks for yet another day of loving. Empty yourself, and yet be filled. An old man tells you, this is how to know love.“

Meet up & have a walk and drink & chill out

Hola :), alguna mujer que quiera conocer y pasar un buen momento conmigo :). Hablo Espanol, Ingles y Checo. Escribeme pronto :-)

I'm not bored in life! I miss the close company of women, kissing and cuddling. This tender & close part of my marriage has long since left town. I would like to meet a lady who misses a gentleman, a kind word and caress. I am not looking for a life partner, but a discreet friend with whom we can have dinner, chat and enjoy time together. Mutual honesty, trust & understanding.

In Prague next weekend (week 38) ???? Engineer and fitness enthusiast. Passionate about life, love to travel, and always at the forefront of technology. Huge AI geek. Down-to-earth, humorous, and genuinely a nice guy. Love dogs but allergic (who cares, right? ????).