Odpovědět na inzerát Pravidla

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Myslíš, že by inzerát mohl zaujmout tvé známé? Zašli jim doporučení

Tyto inzeráty by tě mohly zajímat

Hello guys, I am setting up a small group to go for some trips, visiting concerts, visiting sights in Prague, playing bowling, doing some sports together and anything alse we want. Get in touch, if you are looking something similar. I am a nice Czech woman looking for foreign friends.

Looking for nice person to spend some god times together.

I am looking for someone easy-going, sociable, for spending free time without invading our privacy from Prague and the surrounding area.

I am looking for someone to have fun with, casual relationship.

I'm coming to Czech Republic soon and I want to meet a girl from there. I'm 21 cm big :)